Via Borca, 6

+39 392 489 9480

24/7 Support


Etraction was founded in 2017 as an e-bike rental company based in the Cusio area, on the shores of Lake Orta, but soon began to specialise in the design and construction of charging stations for electric bicycles.

To pursue a form of mobility with a reduced environmental impact, as well as offering a non-polluting vehicle, it soon became necessary to provide a network of collateral services to enable the development of environmentally sustainable tourism.

Charging stations have since become our core business, although we still rent and sell e-bikes.

Etraction collaborates with local artisans to realise its projects and we are proud to offer products that are entirely made in Italy.

Our company’s mission is to promote sustainable, environmentally-friendly tourism as a means of getting to know the area. We want to encourage acceptable forms of movement to attract a greater number of responsible tourists. Our project is therefore directed at and involves municipalities, public bodies, Pro Loco associations and accommodation facilities.


il nostro contributo verso una mobilità a emissioni zero entro il 2030.

La transizione energetica ed ecologica parte necessariamente da come ci spostiamo. Il settore dei trasporti contribuisce ad un quarto delle emissioni di gas serra in Italia e in Europa, ed è l’unico ad aver registrato un aumento delle emissioni dal 1990.

Etraction attraverso la sua rete di colonnine di ricarica per e-bike promuove una mobilità attiva, condivisa ed elettrica per un futuro più sostenibile, verso l’obiettivo di una graduale eliminazione dei veicoli inquinanti entro la fine del decennio.